Upgrading or downsizing: Buy or Sell Your Property First?

Looking for that next move but facing the dilemma of whether you should buy your new home, or sell your current home first? It’s probably the biggest dilemma you face […]
Why we won’t continue to see a property boom

There’s a lot of chatter out there around the possibility of another upswing in the property market. However, the reality is more likely that the market will level out […]
What can you smell?

What can you smell? Weird title right? The photo taken by the drone does make this property look like a typical Kiwi unit block. Well it’s not. It’s a […]
Lockdown Property FAQs

What happens if I’m settling my property purchase during lockdown? You’ve gone unconditional and your property is due to settle this week, in the middle of the level […]
Buying a second home using equity (without a deposit)

Buying a second home using equity If you purchased your home a few years ago you’re probably excited by how much it’s worth now, but wonder, what’s next? If you […]
Interest rates: Fix, Float or Flexi?

Interest rates are always the source of the latest hot news topic, but when you investigate your mortgage options there are so many different rates, types and offers to choose […]
Debt to Income Ratio NZ – What is it and how will it affect you?

Debt to Income Ratio NZ It was revealed in June 2021 that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), after pushing for it, successfully added Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratios to their […]
Is New Zealand heading for another ‘Leaky Home’ Crisis?

The risks of buying new builds We’re seeing them pop up every over Auckland, a type of home most Kiwis would have frowned at living in 10 years […]
Now is as cheap as ever to buy a home – Cost vs Price

Now is as cheap as ever to buy a home – The cost vs price of property It’s really sad that young people feel like their chances of ever […]
Flipping houses is not property investment

Flipping houses is not property investment There’s a misconception that flipping houses is the same as property investment. The reality is they’re both very different strategies. What […]