FREE WEBINAR  |  7:00pm, Wednesday 25 August 2021

Property Watch 1

PROPERTY WATCH: Expert adviser insights into the NZ property market

This is no regular ‘market update’, stay ahead of the property market with our PROPERTY WATCH live session. Our expert mortgage advisers have their fingers on the pulse of the finance industry and translate bank and government changes in policy into understandable and actionable advice to help you make educated decisions quickly in your property endeavours.
Don’t listen to the ‘noise’ of the media. Get real, insider info direct to you in our PROPERTY WATCH live sessions. Join us and get all your questions answered with the update and Q&A from a FINAX mortgage adviser, Lillian.
She spent five years working in one of New Zealand’s leading banks, and excelled as Business Relationship Manager. She has helped many clients achieve their financial goals – from homeownership to building an investment portfolio. She is passionate about FINAX’s vision and it inspired her to find the best solution for clients to achieve their financial goals.

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Lillian Nguyen
Mortgage Adviser and Property Investor