2nd July 2022

How to make $200k a year as a mortgage adviser
If you are new to the financial lending industry or planning to become a mortgage adviser, do you even know where to start? If you are an experienced banker
or if you are already a mortgage adviser, but:
- Struggling to find solutions for your clients?
- Finding yourself unable to cope with the workload without support?
- Struggling to generate quality, loyal leads?
- Confused with compliance or licensing?
- Not feeling confident dealing with high-value clients?
- Your income is capped?
Come Join our FREE in-person event at Finax with Lucia – founder of Finax Mortgages & Insurance and author of Financial Freedom: 5 Steps, 5 Years, on 2nd July to learn more.
About this event:
How to become a mortgage advisor:
- Entry requirements
- Useful experience
- Skill and knowledge
- Timeline
How to be a $200K mortgage advisor:
- Total annual settlement / monthly settlement / applications
- Lead generation
- Finax Support
- Mortgage adviser mentorship program
Why Finax?
Who are we supporting?
“We are in the business of prospecting loans, not processing loans.” | Bernard Desmond
If you are new to the financial lending industry or planning to become a mortgage adviser, do you even know where to start? If you are an experienced banker
or if you are already a mortgage adviser, but:
Struggling to find solutions for your clients?
Finding yourself unable to cope with the workload without support?
Struggling to generate quality, loyal leads?
Confused with compliance or licensing?
Not feeling confident dealing with high-value clients?
Your income is capped?
Come Join our FREE in-person event at Finax with Lucia – founder of Finax Mortgages & Insurance and author of Financial Freedom: 5 Steps, 5 Years, on 2nd July to learn more.
About this event:
How to become a mortgage advisor:
- Entry requirements
Useful experience
Skill and knowledge
How to be a $200K mortgage advisor:
Total annual settlement / monthly settlement / applications
Lead generation
Finax Support
Mortgage adviser mentorship program
Why Finax?
Who are we supporting?
“We are in the business of prospecting loans, not processing loans.” | Bernard Desmond

Lucia Xiao
Founder of Finax Mortgages & Insurance and author of Financial Freedom: 5 Steps, 5 Years.