FREE WEBINAR | 5:30pm, Thursday 9 September 2021

How you can (and should)
buy your first home
Whether you’re actively looking for your first home, or you don’t even try because you’ve listened to people who have made you believe you can’t. Rising house prices can make buying your first home seem like an unachievable dream. However, contrary to popular opinion, owning a home is as affordable now as it was 30 years ago.
Discover how you can (and why you should) buy your first home, as a step to achieving your dreams, whatever they may be. Learn how property can be a launchpad for your future goals, what to look for in a property, the purchase process and who’s involved.
Knowledge and confidence are your biggest assets when starting your property journey. Join us for a free live webinar at 5:30pm, 9 September with Lucia Xiao, experienced mortgage adviser, property investor and mentor.
Lucia started her life in Auckland with not much, having lived in a state house with her family to building a $17m property portfolio in five years (and has since grown to $25m). She has over 20 years of experience in banking and finance and is the founder of Finax. Now she educates Kiwis on how to gain confidence and financial independence through property, so they too can achieve financial freedom.
Join the discussion to pick Lucia’s brain about her experience with the live Q&A. Register Now!