Landlords, stop keeping your tenants

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Renting, most of us have been there. Whether you once did, or still do, you have probably felt that pinch when realising that you’re spending so much of your hard […]

To the Young People

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My son just turned 17, lately we have had some talks. Here is what we talked about

Credit Cards are on the Way Out

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I often call them “liability cards”. Why? Because they are a liability. They don’t do any good to society as a whole as they allow you to spend before you earn

What Stops Our First Home Buyers?

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I was asked at an APIA event: “What is the biggest obstacle first time buyers have?” I said “most of them are financially ready but mentally not ready.”

Are Interest Rates Going Up?

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Every now and then I will have clients say to me “The interest rates are going up, and next year will be 7%”. I smile and reply, “So you’re the fortune teller?”

Buying a Business

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Lately I have had clients coming to me looking for funding to buy a business. It could be a franchise food chain or an established health clinic…